Addressing institutional shortcomings of the justice administration system to prosecute and sentence crimes successfully and in a timely manner is a top priority under this component of the CSJP. We recognize that an ineffective court and case management system can delay and even endanger the administration of justice.

From arrest, to trial, to conviction, many stakeholders play an integral role in ensuring the timely administration of justice. These stakeholders include the Office of the Attorney General and Ministry of Legal Affairs, the Office of the Judiciary (the Supreme and Magistrates’ Courts), the Royal Bahamas Police Force and the Bahamas Department of Correctional Services. Working together via the CSJP, these stakeholders are forging a new and improved justice administration landscape.

One of the major outputs of the CSJP is to design a system that brings technology to bear in hopes of reducing case backlog by reducing the amount of paperworkthat stakeholders must distribute.This will be achieved through the implementation of an integrated electronic system for case management, digital recording and scheduling and the development of a dedicated Public Defender Programme.

By initiating this significant move for justice in The Bahamas, the CSJP will improve communication between stakeholders and across those departments, enhance the scheduling and monitoring of cases, scheduling of cases, while ensuring that we have faster access to court transcripts.

For more information, contact us.