
The Citizen Security and Justice Programme has anchored this initiative in evidence-based research conducted over the course of the project. We invite you to take a look at what we have prepared.

This guide from partners aims to support decision-makers working in the criminal justice sector in taking (and justifying) the necessary decisions to prevent and mitigate the risks of the COVID-19 pandemic in correctional settings. Download the Basic Guide for Decision-Makers here.


The Healthy Relationships curriculum-aid presents evidence-based curriculum concepts that have been proven effective in influencing interpersonal violence prevention among students. These evidence-based and recommended skills also encourage the development of healthy relationships and discourage violence within friendships and dating relationships. Download Healthy Relationships here.


The Gender and Violence Prevention Handbook is designed as a quick reference to equip participants with the necessary understanding and the varying contexts of violence that exist in the Bahamas – from gender-based violence to gang violence and provide some ideas and tools to assist persons in leading more fulfilling and peaceful lives. This document is used by participants of the CSJP’s Gender and Violence Prevention courses. Download the Gender and Violence Prevention Handbook here.


This Sexual Violence Prevention Handbook explains what sexual violence is, some of the myths that surround the crime, the role that drugs and substance abuse play, risk factors for all parties, problem-solving techniques to promote the deterrence of sexual violence, the survivor’s symptoms, implications for treatment and skills for developing personal power. This document is used by participants of the CSJP’s Sexual Violence Prevention course. Download the Sexual Violence Prevention Handbook here.


This Understanding Parenting handbook explains what parenting is, the roles of each family member, ways to effectively communicate within the family, how to differentiate between discipline and punishment, stress management and conflict resolution techniques for the family, and techniques for building a child’s self-esteem. This document is used by participants of the CSJP’s Understanding Parenting course. Download the Understanding Parenting Handbook here.